Monday, 12 March 2012


From Treasure House of God Church. 
                         the church of His Riches..
A Sunday School Teaching By Mrs Lennox-Taylor of the
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Psalm 100: 1-5, Psalm 150: 1-6, Psalm 149 5-6, Psalm 103 1-2,

No book in the Bible exemplifies the spirit of praise and worship more than the book of Psalms. It records more verses of praise than any other book of the Bible. Obviously, God wants the praises of his people.
God tells us to give him thanks in everything (1Thess 5:18) even when things press against our souls. We may never understand what is happening; we may never understand. But God’s will in each circumstance is that we praise and thank him.
But why? Its because praise is the dearest   and most direct means by which you declare your dependence on God. It repeats your trust in him in the midst of darkness.
It confess your allegiance and devotion to the one who was crucified for you and to whom you are eternity joined.

What is praise?

Praise means to express a favourable judgement of, to commend to glorify, to worship, to value, to express appreciation to shower encomium.

Psalm 100:2: if the lord’s presence makes us joyful, then so should serving him make us happy. Only when one takes no pleasure in God does serving him seem like a chore and a burden.

Psalm 100:3: God is the Shepherd, we are his flock. God is the creator we are his creations. God is the father we are his children.
When we remember these basic truths life goes a lot smoother for everyone.

Psalm 100:4: God alone is worthy of being worshipped. What is our attitude toward worship. Do you willingly and joyfully come into God’s presence.

Eph. 5:19, Colo.3:16
Considering all that God has done and does for us, what could be more natural than outbursts of heartfelt praise.

Some Benefits we derive from Praising the Lord
1. Praise magnifies God, praise puts our focus on God not on our problems. God’s power, presence and  ability transform our thinking.
2. Praise humbles us:- When we worship God we gain a right view of ourselves Praise deflates excess   pride and ego. We gain a healthy self image based on God’s view of us.
3.  Praise reveals our devotion to God, if we love Christ, we will praise him.
4. Praise motivates us to holy living:- it opens our hearts to want to live the way God desires. The more    we worship him, the more like him we become.
5.  Praise increases our joy:- Joy is the constant companion of praise. If we feel depressed or discourage     praising God will soon bring us joy i.e unspeakable.
6.  Praise establish our faith, the greater we see our God, the smaller we see our problems
7. Praise elevates our emotions:- Worry, fear and doubt cannot survive for long in an atmosphere of     praise.

In the final analysis, Praise is very important. Praise God everywhere and every way whether its convenient or not, even when you feel prone to give up praise him let everything that has breath praise the Lord. 

From Treasure House of God.
    the Church of His Riches